If you add up all the food consumed between meals, those little growing bodies really eat about five meals a day. And there's not an ounce of fat on any of them (except JoJo--he's still got that cute baby fat). Between growing like weeds and running all over the neighborhood and the forest behind the house, they consume it all. When the Olympic commentators informed us that gold medalist Michael Phelps consumed 12,000 calories per day without gaining weight, we were not surprised: it happens here every day--no swimming pool needed.
Let's face it: snacks are mostly junk. So this is where the big challenge lies. Step one: (almost) no candy. We ration the candy intake using an arguably sensible rule: candy is a treat, not a food. In its place, the daily staple snack is a piece of fruit. Bananas are a favorite. Apples are popular too. Add raisins, oranges, and the occasional pomegranate, and you've got the basis for sustainable snackdom.
The bread family contributes to the snack party too. Crackers, home-made whole wheat bread, and cookies add to the party. And of course, ice cream. Yes, the real thing--but only upon special occasions.
Chef Kat |
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